Friday, February 21, 2014


I was recently slapped with the memories of watching Xena: Warrior Princess when i was younger.

 It has been nearly ten years now since i sat in silence in front of a small crappy TV, next to my mother, watching Xena fighting for the greater good in Russian voice-overs.            

Sexy, beautiful, bad-ass; what more can one want from this incredible feminist icon. Xena was the most relatable amazonian princess; she did what we all do: run from the past in fear of the mistakes we've regrettably made. But run was not all she did. She strived to fight for what she believed in and with the help of the (adorable) companion, Gabrielle, to pull her back when needed, she achieved just that. 

 I only now realize how impossibly amazing that series was and how it influenced me, a six-year-old, at that time. Without me being aware, after the "Xena" evenings, my being began to altar. I became more confident, like Xena; more persistent, like Xena; more capable, like Xena. Subtracting this tiny factor from my childhood would result in someone who wasn't , essentially, me. 

Thank you, Xena (and Gabrielle)! 

Monday, February 17, 2014

So new to this

So first blogpost, huh? I've been reading a lot of blogs recently and I just got the urge to start one (don't know if i can maintain it though). I'm really new at this so if you're looking for quality writing, this isn't it... at least not yet ;-)
To be honest, i spent hours on deciding what this blog's going to looks like rather than actually doing blog stuff.

This past week has been really a really self-realization type of week for me. I was stuck at home due to the horrible (not really) weather conditions here *cough cough* like 5 inches of snow and the whole state's freaking out *cough cough*
Anyways, between watching k-dramas with my dad and washing dishes, i really had too much time on my hands (which could have went towards doing homework...). I picked up a few books from the school library the days before and decided to squeeze in a bit of reading (or anytime i wasn't sleeping or eating).

One particular book in my pile was Rainbow Rowell 's Fangirl (a novel).

If you're a fanfiction nerd than you will relate to this book like bees relate to hornets (um bad analogy?). It's about a college freshman whose 1/2 of a pair of twins. She struggles with her family; her roommate; a frustratingly helpful teacher; and yes, eventually, romance.
Apparently it's a great coming of age book (i really don't like that term); but whatever, it left me satisfied and in wonder.
-i also googled fanfiction for fangirl because how ironic would that be?-
To me, this book seemed like an amazing fictionpress story that had been miraculously published (thankfully). Who knows? Whatever the origin tale for the book was, I'm glass it made it to my school's library!